Monday, February 25, 2013

Motion graphics meets alcohol and substance misuse

How much do you know about alcohol and substance misuse and it's affect on society? Maybe it's one of those "out of sight, out of mind" things for you. It certainly was for me until I was given an opportunity to create a video that explains to health care professionals why they should care and what they can do about alcohol and substance misuse in their patients. Before you click away from this thinking "I'm not a health care professional, that's not for me," let me just tell you that it impacts you... even if not directly.

Someday, I'd like to see this become a PSA, but while I'm dreaming that vision away, here's the video I created that is now the first part of a training series:

ADEPT: an introduction from Academic Support Center on Vimeo.
An introduction to why health care providers should care about alcohol and substance misuse in their practice. The ADEPT training teaches health care providers what they can do about alcohol and substance misuse. MU-ADEPT (Alcohol and Drug Education for Prevention and Treatment) is funded by a grant from SAMHSA and utilizes SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment).

This is a perfect example of the kind of project I've been waiting for and why I wanted to work for an educational institution. The creators of this training series needed a way to convince their audience that this training is important. They were passionate about the information but it just wasn't coming across in their peruse-on-your-own powerpoint presentations. The hope is that this video is both educational and engaging.

For screen shots and more information about the creation of this video, visit the project on my behance portfolio.

1 comment:

  1. VERY impressive!! What a good feeling to produce a video that is not only informative, but a pleasure to watch as well. Fantastic graphics!!
