Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Magic Realism painter Rob Gonsalves

While on our way home from California, we stopped in Lake Tahoe and found our way into a gallery there. They had many beautiful things, but I saw this painting on the wall and was stunned into just standing there and looking at it.
Widow's Walk by Rob Gonsalves
This painting, and many of the others around it, were created by Rob Gonsalves. Though others were just as stunning, if not more, this was the one that caught my attention and I realized the beautiful magic of it. I couldn't afford to buy one of his prints (and worried about getting it home if I had), but I could afford one of the beautiful "Imagine" books illustrated by Gonsalves. I purchased Imagine a Place.

Here are some of my other favorite images that I saw in the gallery or have found (online) since:

Medieval Moonlight

Stepping Stones

Carved in Stone

Doll's Dreamhouse

Be sure to check out Gonsalves' facebook page and official webpage, or purchase one of his books or calendars.

All photo copyrights belong to the artist. If he chooses to take them off facebook, they will also disappear here.

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