Thursday, September 16, 2010

Movies & Fashion & Musketeers!

Ok, so I'm not excited about doing fashion trendcasting in my final group project of my class, however, when the prof told us that trends in fashion often are looking at the movies for inspiration I thought it could be exciting. And then I went searching for movies that come out in the fall of 2011. And now I am already excited for "The Three Musketeers 3D".

From The Movie Insider:
"A modernized reimagining of the classic novels written by Alexandre Dumas that follow the story of a young d’Artagnan, who longs to become a great musketeer — one of the personal guards of the French crown. He encounters and befriends the contentious Athos, Porthos, and Aramis — three musketeers of legend and folly."
And o my gosh there are pictures!!!

It just gets better and better: Matthew Macfadyen as Athos!! And Mads Mikkelson as Rochefort! ("Isn't that a smelly kind of cheese?") I may have to talk Anna (who was Porthos when we were the 3 musketeers in jr high) into coming to CoMO to see the movie with me!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Successful 3D

Today has been a frustrating day working in Maya. We just weren't getting along, as evident by the fact that every time I went to render an image she would crash. It took me about 20X before I wizened up to the fact that I should save after every single change I make. I am sure it was my own lack of knowledge that created the monster that is the constant crashing mechanism. Unfortunately I don't know how to find the bug that I created to keep her from crashing.

There are those however who have made beautiful 3D motion graphics. Here are some favorites that I've come across over time:

I found this artist via the Forget the Film, Watch the Title Sequence site, which I may have mentioned before, but it's worth mentioning again. And I can't figure out how to embed the file without downloading it and uploading again, so you'll have to click on the link to watch the TedXEdges title sequence by Filipe Carvalho.

by Madyeti47  

ARK from grzegorz jonkajtys on Vimeo.

"Save Our Planet" is a very short but cool 30 sec video created in Maya, but it won't let me embed the video, so it's another you'll have to click to see.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Vacation Photo Book - the end

Finally, the end of the photo book creation is in sight. Here are the rest of the pages:

This first one is going to be the first page of the book:
And the rest of these follow in order after the pages I posted last time:
Yay! I am so glad this is done. It took several days to do it and a couple of nudges from shutterfly, but I finally got it done and now am going to order it with one of their sales going on.

I know this may seem a little excessive to some of you, that I would spend many hours in photoshop creating these pages when I could just go to Shutterfly and use one of their templates, but I guess it's just my version of scrapbooking.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Photo book pages

Here are more of the photo book pages I've been working on the past two days. I didn't make my first or second deadlines to get this done as it takes quite a long time to make the pages, but at least I got going with it and only have five pages and the cover left to do.
In my post yesterday I included the second map picture, which belongs just before the Capitol Reef pages, in my 2-pg spread layout.

As I wrote earlier, there are still a few pages left to do...I have the first "intro" page, and then at the end are the two pages of Mesa Verde, then Black Canyon and Garden of the Gods. I'm thinking the very last page will be trip statistics and photos of campsites, etc.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Nasa Images

So today I was frantically trying to finish composing the 20 pages of our vacation photo book so I could have it printed at Shutterfly during one of their sales. Well, I did finish 5 pages in about 6 hours. So I won't meet that deadline, but I did go looking for some supplemental images to serve as backgrounds. The original idea was to use maps, but I had a hard time finding aesthetically pleasing ones in the public domain, so then I went searching for birds-eye views of Utah and came across some nice NASA images and decided to layer my own map on top. Unfortunately I couldn't get NASA's visible earth site to work, so I was stuck with some low-res versions that I'm not happy with. But, it did lead me to NASA's image of the day site which is right up there with National Geographic's photo of the day site. So here are some recent favorites from NASA's site:
"On August 1, 2010, almost the entire Earth-facing side of the sun erupted in a tumult of activity. This image from the Solar Dynamics Observatory of the news-making solar event on August 1 shows the C3-class solar flare (white area on upper left), a solar tsunami (wave-like structure, upper right), multiple filaments of magnetism lifting off the stellar surface, large-scale shaking of the solar corona, radio bursts, a coronal mass ejection and more."
"This observation from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter shows the floor of a large impact crater in the southern highlands, north of the giant Hellas impact basin. Most of the crater floor is dark, with abundant small ripples of wind-blown material. However, a pit in the floor of the crater has exposed light-toned, fractured rock."
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona
"The constellation Vulpecula is a veritable entire assembly line of newborn stars. The diffuse glow reveals the widespread cold reservoir of raw material that our Milky Way galaxy has in stock for building stars."
 Image credit: ESA/Hi-GAL Consortium
And now for the image you have all been waiting for... one of my "maps" with photos depicting part of our journey. This is the second map in a series of three, so it does not include our whole trip.
Also, this is pretty cool. It too is from NASA, and it's a topographical image of Zion National Park. Angel's Landing is where we hiked/climbed up 1488' to the top for a spectacular view of the canyon.