Thursday, October 21, 2010

The world of 3D

I'm certainly overdue for a new post, and since my creative work life got overrun by a project, I haven't even had time to contemplate what's been inspiring to me. However, I still have adjustments to make to the video we have been working on, and for which I created some 3D and 2D composite graphics that weren't as effective as we'd like them to be. So, my world has been Maya and After Effects lately. Noting that, it is fitting that the video I found today was created in Maya. What's more is that I couldn't help but think "this is what I think transformational and disruptive technology could look like". And that is one of the subjects of our video that has been a struggle for me to grasp. I still don't know what it means for the University's Mizzou Advantage mission, but it sure looks disruptive to me.

Anyway, this stunning video is called Artificial Paradise, Inc. and here it is:

ARTIFICIAL PARADISE,INC. from Jp Frenay on Vimeo.

My work in Maya pales in comparison, but when I think about the fact that I don't use the program 40+ hours a week (most of the time) and I've only been using it for about two years, my animations are perhaps up to par with where I'm at in my huge learning curve.

Just to give an example, here was my first Maya animation created in 2008 as a way to introduce the University's Saturday Morning Science. (They did not end up using it because it did not feature their logo. I adjusted it later and added the logo, but it was not what they wanted. They decided their flat static logo was exactly what they wanted. Oh well, at least I was happy with what I created in a week's time.)

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