Tuesday, November 30, 2010

National Geographic...An old goal? A new one?

So, today as I was going through old email which I seem to never bother to sift, I found a bunch of National Geographic emails. The one on great migrations caught my interest, and when I went to the site, I was hooked by this lovely extras "music" video:

If you know me, you probably know that I love butterflies. I think it's the little girl in me who for some reason always wanted to be a tomboy but could never fully shake my love for beautiful things. Though I have grown up in both the proverbial and physical sense, I do still have a deep love for beautiful things - nature fitting right in to that category. Working for National Geographic was a goal for me not so many years ago, and though I do forget about my job-related desires when living the everyday work lifestyle, I wonder if I haven't lost some of that mystery and I wonder... how do the people who work for NG keep that mystery alive? How does anyone keep that magic alive in the everyday mundane "I get up, I eat, I go to work, I come home..."?

And now I'm reminiscing upon my little-girl dreams of becoming a marine biologist, my young woman dreams of working in the peace corps or for greenpeace, and my mid-twenties desire to work for a company that cares, that inspires, and is more human than corporate. Is that dream still there or has the process of day-in/day-out sucked it away?

1 comment:

  1. Dreams can always be reality, and as we move closer and closer to an awakening, you'll find more companies, employees, loved ones, etc. embracing a more open, inspired, loving nature.
