Friday, August 20, 2010

Abstraction in Maya 2011

So the other day I came across this really interesting 3D image on deviantArt
And I was once again looking at the image today, thinking "how would I do that in Maya?" when I noticed that this artist was inspired by another artist. So, I went to look at Jason-C's work, where I found more beautiful 3D images such as:
This image, as noted by it's artist, took over 255 hours to render. I didn't see that before I started my own version. Anyway, so our tech guys finally got Maya 2011 to install on my work computer and I got in there to see how much had changed between the 2008 version and this one. What better way than to play with an idea of how I could create something similar. Maya crashed on my first version before I saved it, so in the last 25 minutes of work I created this:
It's not so bad when you consider the 180 layers + 3 lights in only 25 minutes with a total render time of about 1 second. With some tweaks - adding an environment, turning on raytracing (so it will show reflections), and adding more lights, etc - it could look pretty cool, and perhaps might make an awesome background for something. And amazingly enough, it took no script writing, which is very similar to programming and I don't really do that so well.

And of course the next question is... how could I make this in true 3D out of hand-dyed fabric?!

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