Friday, August 6, 2010

Journaling and Animation?

When I began looking for ideas today, I started out on a favorite site which was part of my inspiration to start a blog in the first place, Beautiful/Decay and there I found a post about a stop motion animation called "Accumulonimbus" by Andy Kennedy. Then I thought I'd go find some other animations on vimeo and see what I could come up with. And I struck gold with this beautiful short animation by Carlos Lascano called "A Short Love Story in Stop Motion".

Another animation artist I found on Vimeo, Paul Greer, did what he calls an animated journal. Though I did not think the video itself was terribly inspiring to me, I did think the idea a fantastic one. Here's what he says about it:
"I've been keeping an Animated Journal over the last year. I’ve always liked the picture a day format, video diaries etc, and animation is, traditionally a long drawn out, painful process, this is me trying to free it up and make it a bit more ephemeral. Stan Brakhage said that he considered what he did to be his home movies and these follow a similar vein. I generally capture whats going on around me and funnel it into 250 frames. It's made using a variety of techniques from CGI to flip book drawings"- Paul Greer
 I think this is a fantastic, perhaps in the future I can do a an an animation per week or something. Gotta work on my stamina I should think. :)

I'll leave you with this image:
Found on deviantart by fractal artist Nicholas Rougeux

1 comment:

  1. LOVED the video, very cool! I can see you doing a video journal, suits you.
