Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lights pt 2

Today, I decided to try creating my own neon-lighted self-portrait. It's still a work in progress, but here she is thus far:

 I still want to add more to the face so it'll be brighter and create more motion in the background. As to the tutorial I posted previously, I decided I didn't want to use someone else's image, and though it would be good experience to practice using the warp tool, I wanted to create the glow forms from scratch. So I found another tutorial on creating glowing curves, which I used to create this image. While searching for these tutorials, I went looking for ways to make this in Motion or After Effects and found some interesting tutorials, one on creative cow and another on geniusdv. And, finally, by using the information on both tutorials, I was able to create particles and make a moving glowing streak in Motion.

So here's my own tutorial for how to create these streaks (we'll stick with 2D space since I don't have the new Motion at home and haven't perfected moving them in 3D space).
Step 1: In a new Motion project, create a small circle with heavily feathered edges
Step 2: With the circle selected, click on "Make Particles"
Step 3: In the Inspector, with the Emitter selected, change the speed to 0.
Step 4: Using either keyframes or behaviors, move the "Emitter" along a path
Step 5: Adjust the birth rate to make it smooth, colorize and check "additive blend", make other adjustments such as opacity over life, scale, etc

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