Monday, August 16, 2010

Vacation videos

Today Mike emailed me this vacation video that to some degree puts mine to shame. For those of you who don't know, I've made about a 5-6 minute video of vacations I've taken with family. I'm behind since I never edited my Alaska video in 2008, which was intended to be more than just a pretty recap of what I saw, but never-the-less, I've used the footage I shot and photos I took to make videos about my trip to Glacier, Grand Canyon, and Acadia & the Atlantic Provinces. I suppose I should upload them so that you can see them. I'll do that later.

For now, I'm a bit intimidated by this video because it's the same locations Mike and I visited this year, and my videography/photography is not nearly as stunning.

Journey through Canyons from Metron on Vimeo.

"Journey through the Canyons" by Metron

However, thought I do not own that fancy equipment he used, I believe my video and photos have a lot more heart and warmth to them. And, they're not primarily comprised of time-lapses. I do love time-lapses, and I do think this video is very beautiful, but I can't psych myself out about making my own vacation videos because I do have my own eye and my own spin to put on them.

I think to further encourage my own endeavors, I will also post this image of my family who we happened to run into on our first day of hiking.

To give you some background, I started taking these puzzle-piece photographs on our vacation in Glacier because all I had was my Canon video camera that was only able to take photos with a resolution of about 1200x1500. I wanted to get a wide photo of the incredibly 3,000 ft cliffs towering above Iceburg Lake, but my photos just couldn't capture the grand scale, so I started taking lots of pictures of sections with the intention of putting them all back together like a puzzle. I liked the look so much that even once I got a better still camera, I kept taking them. In this case, we couldn't really get far enough away from Landscape Arch to get all of us plus the arch into the photo, so Mike suggested it was a good opportunity for a puzzle pic. He was right!

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