Thursday, August 12, 2010

Some favorite quilt artists

Since it's been a long day, and no time to work on any graphics, I figured it's a good time for me to share some of my favorite quilt artists and some of their work. I first saw the work of all of the following artists at Quilt National over the past seven years:

Emily Richardson
I consistently come back to Emily Richardson's work I think because of the beautiful way she layers the fabric to create depth of color and because it seems like she might be channeling some part of Picasso.
(more images on the Gross McCleaf Gallery website)

Judith Content
Another of my absolute favorite quilt artists is Judith Content. I could just stare at her beautiful kimono-shaped silk pieces for hours; they have just the right balance of peace and disorder. I love that she is a full-time studio artist and her descriptions/artist statements that display with her work really speak to the environmentalist within me. For a quick biography, click here or here.
 Judith Content, "LaBriere"

Linda Levin
I find that the organic mixed with the straight lines creates an almost startling appeal to me. And I really couldn't voice what it's like to be a quilt artist better than Linda Levin does on her website:
"My quilts are made with fabrics which I paint and dye myself to achieve effects that I couldn't obtain otherwise and create a spontaneity and freshness that purchased fabrics don't provide.
Although the inspiration for my work comes from places I've seen and stored away in my memory, I try to capture not a specific scene, but an atmosphere, a mood or a moment.
For me, the tactile qualities of the fabric, the light and shadow created by seams and raw edges and the interplay of colors provide endless opportunities for exploration."
 Linda Levin, "Central Park West Night III"

Susan Else
This work by Susan Else is truly interesting, if nothing else. The sculptural nature of her textile work alone is worth mentioning, and yet it is so beautiful. Really, I've never seen such a happy skeleton!!
Susan Else, "Nothing to Fear"
To read more about Susan or to view more of her work, check out the Running with Scissors interview or her personal website.

These are just a few of the absolutely talented people who have pieces in Quilt National year after year, they just happen to be some of my favorites, and part of the reason I go back to QN every year it exhibits in my home state. (A note about the images: I do not own copyright to any of these images, and attribute them to the artists themselves, I merely linked to them from other sites, so you should be able to click on the images themselves to go back to where I located them.)

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