Saturday, August 14, 2010

Pinhole photography

Ever since I came across an article about creating a camera using an oatmeal container and getting some really interesting images I have wanted to do my own pinhole photography. Last winter my husband gave me a box that included all the fixings (except the film) for making a pinhole camera. Though I had good intentions to take it on vacation in Utah back in the spring, I still have yet to get it out.

Today in my search for inspiration, I came across Smashing Magazine's "Showcase of Beautiful Pinhole Photography". Here are some of my favorites and the talented artists who created these images:

"self portrait: two seconds of a summer evening" by Danielle Hughson,

 "Steel Rails" by Wayne Mackeson, Mackeson

 "A Chain in Spain" by Scott Speck, integrity_of_light

And finally, not from this particular site, but some more images of really incredible pinhole photographs:
"The Massive National Archives" by Scott Speck

by Noriko Ohba, tearoom

CK (Chris Keeney) has a great website where he features a pinhole photographer each month and he has posted so many great links for more information on pinhole photography. I guess it's time to get out that pinhole camera and start exploring!


  1. These photos are really interesting. I would like to see your pinhole camera and see your photos. You should bring it to the next Artrageous meeting.
