Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Eat, Pray, Loved it!

Today I took half a day off work. Why? For me. For the opportunity to go see a movie with my mom. Even better, we were joined by a very good friend of mine whom I rarely get to see anymore.

I will tell you that I read Elizabeth Gilbert's bestselling memoir Eat, Pray, Love after it became a mega-best-seller, but it really didn't matter. After reading that book I wanted to collect everything Gilbert had ever written and read it because I not only loved and admired her for her courage, gumption and life, but I also loved her style of writing.

Last year I came across the Ted talk she gave and re-realized why I want to know her. I listen to this talk whenever I'm feeling down about being creative and feeling like I'm not good enough.

This summer I read her follow-up book Committed while I waited as patiently as I could for this movie to come out. You might think that my expectations were set so high that I couldn't possibly love the movie. Well, you would be wrong. I did love it. I enjoyed it no matter that I already knew the story. I got excited when I recognized direct quotes and when I didn't recognize events because it has been so many years since I read the book. We weren't even under the best conditions to see the movie. The audio in the theater was a bit on the low side and quite often things were blowing up in the theater next door - of course during the parts that were already hard to hear or understand. But those things can fade away when you realize you are experiencing part of a really incredible story. That's what movies are about for me - getting sucked into the human story.

Was it the best movie ever made? Probably not. Was it as good as the book? Probably not. But it can't be compared really because they are two different mediums for storytelling. They just happen to be two of my favorite mediums for experiencing a story. I love finding a character I can believe in and I love finding a story that is beautiful. How amazing to know that this one is true!!!


  1. I saw that movie today also! I liked it. I read the book before all the hype and really liked the book, but had forgotten parts of it.

  2. Love the book!! Saw the movie Tuesday night, not quite as good, but still enjoyable. I read Committed early this summer, very interesting. I have not checked out any of her earlier fiction work, maybe I'll add to my list :)
