Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Think outside what box??

Currently I am struggling. I am feeling in one of those depths of despair about choosing a creative profession. Call it design block if you will - and it is a lot of the reason I began this blog in the first place - but when it hits, it becomes more than that. It becomes a life block and usually leads to depression. Last night I was wondering why I haven't been able to get a new personal website created and on the web. And I think there's just too much pressure there. It has to be so many things - and then I start to question if I try to be too many things.

Today I thought that I would try to find some favorite websites and pull what I like from each the most and somehow combine them into my own design for my website. And so I started with a CSS showcase and clicked on one of the pages that looked intriguing to me. The site I had chosen is in fact a personal website for designer Rob Morris. It's beautiful, direct, succinct, easy to navigate, and his journal is filled with words of wisdom!! The first one I read was "How I learned to become a failure" and it spoke to me today. I would also recommend the short Ted talk by Tom Wujec that was included in the journal article I just mentioned.

Now I should try some brain teasers to get myself out of this rut. I think I finally get why my design professor made us do 100 thumbnails for a logo of one company. I remember getting to about twenty and feeling so utterly tapped out that there was no way I could possibly get to 100. And quite frankly from about 18-100 the sketches completely stunk but they did get me thinking outside of the box.

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