Friday, August 27, 2010

Stained glass or textile?

I think one of the reasons I'm really drawn to hand-dyed fabrics is how closely they tend to resemble stained glass. What if the two could be somehow fused into an idea? Dye a slightly transparent fabric and then cut it up and section it with black edging so it resembles glass? Would one go so far as to put it inside glass? Anyway, some lovely inspirations of stained glass:
"Fire Window" at Central DuPage Hospital, Chicago by Kessler Studios
"Ruah Window" at Central DuPage Hospital, Chicago by Kessler Studios
 St. Thomas More Newman Center, Missouri by Elizabeth Devereaux
Chateau de Notre Dame, New Orleans
Sainte Chapelle, Paris

1 comment:

  1. I've always loved stained glass. It amazes how many variances they can create with glass. I also think it's neat to see the glass blowers create figurines with glass, very talented.
