Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Art meets Environmentalism

We all know about the gushing of oil that is daily affecting marine life and the earth. But no one really knows yet how tremendous the affects of this disaster are. I've watched some of the news reports but I find that I can't keep up with the news on this continuing event because it is so very depressing. Even still, I have watched Nightly News reports, read articles in Time Magazine, and watched toxicologist Susan Shaw talk about the efforts to prevent the oil from reaching the marshes on TED.com

In fact, there was a whole TEDxOilSpill conference, which I will have to go back to and watch.

But as of today, I hadn't found anything quite as exciting as seeing that one of my favorite local artists has put his talents to this cause. Paul Jackson has created another beautiful painting which he is promoting via facebook (and possibly other places) in response to the BP oil spill disaster. He and other artists are selling select works and the proceeds go to the Wildlife Rehabilitation & Nature Preservation Society, Inc who are working to clean up this mess in the gulf. Check out the site.

 Foul Language by Paul Jackson

This is where art meets environmentalism, and where my heart is leading me. I think it's time to get back to my landscape fiber art and figure out how I can talk about environmental impact through my art!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! I am so glad you started a blog, I think you'll enjoy the experience. It's also great to see positive and creative activism instead of people just being cranky about something happening. I love this stuff!
