Sunday, August 22, 2010

Behance: A Site to Join?

There's something about working at a computer during the week that makes me not want to post a blog on the weekend. Never-the-less, today I found myself on websites I'd never been to, looking at marvelous graphic design. I started on and was attracted to:

But these images led me to another site I'd never seen for creative professionals to post their work and get noticed! Hmmm, methinks I need to sign up. I wonder how much I could post of my on-the-job work since I don't personally own the copyright. Anyone know? More fascinating, impressive things were found on

The only problem is that I can't embed any of the videos uploaded to the site, so you'll have to click on the link to check this one out:
"Aregak" in the portfolio of Lilit Hayrapetyan

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